Mr Nigel Chiweshe

Mr Nigel Chiweshe
Commerce Building ,Room 15, 1st floor
Management and Entrepreneurship



Nigel is a lecturer in the discipline of Management and Entrepreneurship. He is currently pursuing Doctoral studies specialising in Marketing with a focus on motivations for luxury brand consumption by deluxe aspirers. He also lectures Responsible & Sustainable Management Principles, Technology Management at the undergraduate level, Entrepreneurship Innovation and Venture Creation, at the Honours level and Contemporary Marketing at the Masters level. Through his engagement with the disciplines of management, marketing and entrepreneurship, Nigel has developed a keen interest in social enterprises, sustainability practices in SMMEs and luxury branding. He is currently involved in mentoring youth entrepreneurs, communities of practice in youth entrepreneurship, book editorship and research in social enterprises in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Academic Qualifications

Academic Qualifications

  • MA Marketing
  • Bss Honours Marketing
  • Bss Economics and Marketing

Professional Bodies

Professional Bodies

  • South African Institute of Management Scientists

Research Interests

Research Interests

  • Luxury Branding
  • Sustainability
  • Social Entrepreneurship

Publications and Papers

Recent Publications and Papers

  • Msomi, M, and Chiweshe, N. (2018) “ An Exploratory Case Study of NPO Risk Assessment” SAIMS 2018.
  • Naude, M.J. and Chiweshe, N. (2017) “A proposed operational risk management framework for small and medium enterprises” South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences.
  • Chiweshe, N (2016) Book chapter “Marketing for Social Entrepreneurship” in a book titled “Incorporating Business Models and Strategies into Social Entrepreneurship ISBN: 9781466687486
  • Naude, M. and Chiweshe, N. (2015) “Safeguarding Risk: A Proposed Operational Risk Framework For SMEs in South Africa 9th International Business Conference Proceedings
  • Amaidas, S. and Chiweshe, N. (2015) “Youth Consumer Behaviour: A Case of Beauty Product Consumption” J Soc Sci, 43(1): 1-8. ISSN 0971-8923.